In Rewind

This song is the last song of my 2010 album, In Rewind.  It is an entry from my musical journal.  It's good to take a look back and see where you have been.  But don't get lost there.  There are always going to be memories that you can hold tight, or want to throw away.  But don't stay there.  The future is a big, open, free place, and it's ours for the taking.  Let the days and moments of the past pass, and keep walking forward.

sometimes I skip over all those days gone wrong
sometimes I fast forward thru the nights alone
Each memory's a track on my c//d of time
can't help but look back and listen to my year in rewind

And I might pause on moments full of joy so free
And repeat of all people that showed their love to me
Each memory's a track on my c//d of time
can't help but look back and listen to my year in rewind

Days are full of times i can't replace no matter how i try
People, places, memories come, wave once-- then pass me--- by